As a first on our list of preparing for our May guests, we installed our roman shade in the kitchen.
Before/After |
Obviously, we still have to work on putting our curtain rods up and making our curtains, but that probably won't happen until we get back to Ocho (planned for this weekend) and buy some turquoise fabric for our living room/dining room curtains.
Justin and I "hung" the pink fabric and white leaf fabric he had bought initially on the curtain rod we already have in our spare bedroom, but we have no idea how we will handle the curtains for that room yet. We do know the curtain rod will be moved down to the master bedroom though, since we have black furniture that matches the black curtain rod in the master bedroom. We feel a silver curtain rod would suit the white furniture and look of the spare bedroom much better which means another trip out to find a suitable curtain rod for the spare bedroom.
Other things we anticipate doing this weekend include going to a carpet outlet to find cheap (in price) carpet for our rug as well as borrowing a weed eater to start cleaning up the ivy in the yard.
I'm also pretty excited, because I'm sending a few images that I have edited to Costco to make sure I've got my color correction process down in my photo editing.
While I mentioned preparing for our future trips, we do not anticipate doing anything in preparation for them (other than saving money) until after our visitors come in May. Mint suggests that up until this month, while not actually sticking to budget, we have been doing pretty well at saving money. However, with furniture purchases (rug, dresser), curtains, and glasses, the next two months of spending will not be quite as easy as the last two.
Luckily, we anticipate staying with some of Justin's family while we are in NYC which will significantly lessen the cost of the trip. YAY! We were also able to save money by purchasing Justin's glasses through Costco. Obviously, we spent less on curtains that originally expected by purchasing the fabric at discount prices which is what we hope to do with our rug as well.
After living for a year in a house without much furniture, any curtains or rugs, we are so excited that our future company gives us an excuse to spend money we otherwise would use towards paying down debt or saving for future expenses. We look forward to finally "feeling at home".
If you are recently married or currently living in your first apartment or house or even if you are a long time home owner, how have you filled in the crooks and crannies of your house without going over budget? When did you finally feel at home?