I: Porto Venere, Italy

Porto Venere, Italy (May 2014)

Focusing has been difficult the past few months, so I'm taking an alternative approach to A-Z this year: looking back at past travel, editing or re-editing images from travels before, and responding to travel-related questions. Hope you are able to join me on this journey to my past!

For Day I, I went with this shot from Italy. I recently found a bunch of images I lost many years ago, and I've loved looking through them and editing them.

Other places I considered for this post: ???

Here are today's questions –

25. Do you prefer to travel by plane, train, or boat?

I think plane. I hate all things about the airport including getting through security, being on time, etc… but that feeling when you take off at the beginning of a trip? I can never get past it. I always get so excited.

Boats would be my back-up. It's so fun to see whales and dolphins as you head from place to place. I've never done an overnight trip on a boat (aside from a houseboat), so I can't comment on cruises.

26. What's the best souvenir you've ever bought?

I've brought back some pretty cool things. Typically, we stick with food and books.

In Boston, we always bring back bolognese sauce. It is the best ever. One time we brought back an Italian Easter cake that had been imported from Italy; this was right before Easter, so that was cool. :)

Napa, CA has some of the coolest small wineries. Of course, this makes it an expensive destination to visit.

Paris has this amazing breakfast tea I always have to get when I'm there. I also like getting Angelina's hot chocolate for consumption at home. Sometimes we pick up nectars, caramels, and, of course, macarons.

I'd definitely go back to Italy for olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Good oil and vinegar are so hard to find!


For the home, we've really enjoyed the "French" Christmas lights we brought back from Paris. They are lovely on a tree (even if it's not for Christmas!).

There are some lanterns we got in Egypt that are the prettiest ever.

My husband once bought a winter coat in Paris. He was devastated when he lost it. Luckily, we've discovered it hidden away in a closet in the time since.

27. What is your favorite dish from around the world?

Raclette. I had it for the first time in Paris, and I've since had it in Berlin, Montréal, LA, and NYC. We've looked for a raclette warmer for our home but have been unable to find one. :(

But, I think my favorite food-related activity is really more about dining with friends, specifically with a bottle of wine, rather than eating a particular type of food. It's the friends that make the meal – not always the food. :)

What about you? Is there a particular food you would go out of your way for? Do you have a preference for mode of transportation and going somewhere?

See other posts in this year's A-Z.


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