What I Typically Wear

As Justin and I prepare for our trip overseas for what we expect to be 60/70 degree weather, I'm attempting to build my wardrobe. I like the idea of wearing things that are comfortable and make me feel cute. Sometimes I can find that feeling more dressed up and sometimes…more casual fits the bill. Luckily for me, Georgia weather is perfect right now for building my wardrobe for that 60/70 degree ideal. (Actually, it's been a bit colder this year for some odd reason.) Nevertheless, one of the October Daily challenges is to show you a typical outfit.

camisole: Aeropastle (old)
Leggings: Forever 21 black (old)
Boots: Skechers knee-high (old)
styling a side braid thanks to my favorite hair dresser!

(Also looks great with skinny jeans!)

As you can see, I bought the navy version of the Trapeze zip sweatshirt (even though I will most likely get it in wine as well). It's cute, comfortable, and most of all WARM. I get so many compliments when I am wearing it, but no one can really decide if it is a top, a dress, or a jacket. Least of all: me! Do I recommend you go out and purchase this outfit? Wholeheartedly!

On another note, look at how much my hair has grown from August (red) to October (blue)!!

And if you were interested in the Like A Virgin Dress from Free People, it's now on sale! Yay! :)

I just received a box full of goodies for another giveaway that will be coming soon! If you haven't already, today is the last day to enter my giveaway for a $5 Amazon giftcard! Go enter now!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic Tuesday! :)

**This post is part of The Daily October Challenge. Visit 
Secret Obsession's blog to find out more and join in! :)

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