The Fall: A High School Memory

Come February of my senior year, my best friend (at the time) and Justin were suppose to come over and hang out. I didn't know Justin very well except through AIM and looking back, I realize it was probably a set up since two minutes before my best friend was suppose to arrive, she called saying she wouldn't be able to make it. Somehow I had to find a way to entertain this guy.

After he arrived, we eventually found ourselves driving off to a wooded setting near our high school and his church. I've grown up spending a lot of time exploring the woods on my grandfather's property, so I already knew I loved it. Justin just happened to know where we could explore.

We explored for a few hours before stumbling upon a fence with a bit of barb wire on it. Granted it was not enough to prevent us from climbing, so what did we do? Climb it! Duh! Well…sort of. Unfortunately, I wasn't exactly dressed for fence climbing. I was wearing heeled boots, because I don't actually own a pair of sneakers or anything at all appropriate for hiking. The boots weren't necessarily the problem though. As I climbed the fence, my jeans snagged on the barb wire. When I went to jump off the fence, my leg didn't come with me. Justin only saw it as a fall, and I didn't admit to him that it had been anything more.

The next day I didn't go to school. Instead, I went to the doctor. As it turns out, when I fell, I had sprained my ankle and I would need to be on crutches for the next month. My best friend would not let Justin hear the end of it. "You caused her to fall, sprain her ankle, and you couldn't even offer to carry her?!" She jokingly decided it was because he was too weak to carry me. I'm not sure he appreciated that, but it definitely offered hours of entertainment for us.

Sometime later, I would find myself dating Justin despite how badly our "first date" had gone. Perhaps "I fell for him" that day. :)

Oh and don't worry! Justin had his chance to become my knight in shining armor the next year when I became dehydrated at a concert and passed out. The paramedic even said he must be my Sir Lancelot. I think he was ok with that. ;)

**This post is part of The Daily October Challenge. Visit Secret Obsession's blog to find out more and join in! :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love reading stories like this! :) How wonderful for you to have met your Sir Lancelot during high school!


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