Everything You Ever Wanted
Over the weekend, as my husband and I ventured off to Florida and to the beach, there was one thing I had to take with me: a good book. You simply cannot go on vacation without one! This book, however, was different than other books ordinarily spotted while on vacation. It was definitely not the typical, chick-lit, easy-to-read story that everyone takes on vacation. No, this story is a memoir – a deep, intense, heartfelt memoir about raising an adopted child with special needs.
Let me back up a bit.
Jillian Lauren wasn't your typical mom-to-be. Adopted at a young age, she grew up in the New Jersey suburbs. With a life so calm and structured, it is unsurprising that a chance encounter with a woman named Ari leads to complications that include stripping and drug addiction. As Lauren writes in her book Some Girls, "When you find yourself doing things you never imagined, it happens in stages.”
The follow-up book Everything You Ever Wanted is a memoir of Lauren's life after the fact. Now in her 30s, she meets her husband, Scott Shriner, the bassist for Weezer, and has intentions of forming a family in Los Angeles. The beginning of the book focuses mostly on her attempts to become pregnant and all that she undergoes (and spends) on the endeavor. When nothing seems to work, rather than give up, she decides to go the route of adoption taking in a child from Ethiopia, Tariku.
Tariku is not like other children his age. He hits and bites his mom, he doesn't get along with other children, and no school will take him in for longer than a few weeks at best. Jillian Lauren is trying everything she can, reading every book she can, talking to psychologists, social workers, and therapists trying to figure out what's wrong with him, what's wrong with her, and what she can do to improve her circumstances and her son's chances at success.
I have mixed feelings about this story. While I can't say that I could necessarily relate to Jillian Lauren's story told from the perspective of an upper middle-class Los Angeles suburbanite home, I definitely feel this was a fantastic story to share with the world so close to mother's day. It is true that Tariku was providing unique challenges to his new family, but what parent hasn't struggled with their child before? In this sense, I feel like one could relate completely to the author.
Given that Everything You Ever Wanted is hitting bookstore shelves today, I have been provided a unique opportunity to give away one copy to my blog readers. Are you looking for a fun summer read? Have you already read Some Girls and want to know what happens next? Simply share with me a book related comment to enter. What book(s) do you recommend I read next? What was your favorite childhood story? Do you have any fond memories that involve reading? You can submit a new comment every day, or complete any of the other entry methods, to enter. The giveaway will conclude on 5/21 when I announce the winner!
Good luck!
For more information on this book, the author, or any of Lauren's other works, check out Jillian Lauren's Twitter and blog!
Edit: For some reason a lot of comments aren't posting automatically. I am approving them as quickly as I can.
• I received a copy of this book (and the one I'm giving away) for free in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.