Five Truths

I'm pretty terrible about keeping secrets. I tend to say whatever it is that I'm thinking. Both of these truths made it fairly difficult to answer the prompt of "Don't tell anybody, but…" Instead I have decided to share a few truths about me.

1. I have already bought 2 Christmas gifts. As a planner, when I see things go on sale that I know people would love, I tend to go ahead and purchase those gifts … months before I need them.

2. My favorite place to shop is Anthropologie because of their awesome return policy. I know that if I buy something tomorrow and it sits in my closet unworn until Christmas, I can return the item and get my money back. By using their return policy, I guarantee that every item in my closet is a favorite, or at least a well-worn piece.

For the English version click here.

3. I recently started watching Sesamstraße on Youtube, and I really wish I had started watching it prior to traveling to Germany. While primarily a children's show based off of the American Sesame Street, I love the repetition of words and funny, short stories that are easy to follow for practicing my knowledge of the German language. Even if I don't understand what is going on, half of the time the imagery makes me laugh anyway. :)

(I did try watching The Smurfs auf Deutsch, but the stories were much too complicated and, frankly, a bit boring to follow.)

4. For the past month I have held off editing images. I get so frustrated not being able to achieve the look I want. Even months later, after I have "finished" editing an image, I will look back and see problems. I think I see myself more as an artist than a photographer for that reason alone. 

5. I would love to improve my writing, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Any suggestions?

Do you have any secrets? Or are you as outspoken about them as I am?

* I'm taking part in 30 Days of Lists! Are you?

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