The Friday FIve #11: Changing of Seasons

With the start of Autumn last week, in this hemisphere, and Spring about to start in the other – 1. Do you have the urge to do a Fall/Spring cleaning as soon as the weather turns? This year I've been doing something I'm going to call "continuous cleaning"...

The Friday Five: #10 Severe Weather

Last week's Friday Five was all about the weather, unsurprising with the approach of Hurricane Florence. 1. Have you ever experienced a hurricane firsthand? Yes and no. I live pretty far inland, so usually by the time the weather gets to me it's usually more...

Year So Far…

January NYC, NY (July 2016) We welcomed the year in Washington DC with a few friends. It was exciting to see fireworks from the rooftop of an apartment complex. This was followed up with a visit to Boston where we saw my husband's great uncle, aunt, and...


August Goals ✓ Continue Egypt planning.   - contacted friends about whether or not they wanted to meet up   - looked at/compared flights   - contacted travel agent only to realize I preferred the flights I found to the ones they found for me  ...