When Travel Leads to A Spring Closet Cleanout

Today's post is less of a 'how to' and more of an 'I should'. Remember this post from last October? I've been working on checking off 101 things in 1001 days. I thought the hardest bit would be cataloguing each item. But no. The hardest part has actually been sticking to my list and checking off things one by one. As it turns out, months down the road after creating a 101 in 1001 list, you change your mind. Maybe you would rather check off making delicious ice cream over homemade cheese? Maybe your Jawbone can't be replaced because you accidentally ordered it from a seller on Amazon rather than Amazon proper? Maybe you just don't like the things you have on your list.

One category I am not scrapping no matter how much I would rather do something else is that of 'home' where I have decided to 1) sell my unused clothing 2) sell unused household items (which is suppose to encourage me to find a use for the ones I want) 3) sell or donate books and 4) trash/sell/read my unread pile of (photography) magazines. My ultimate goal being: the prospect of living more simply with less 'stuff' and hopefully using any money we get from selling for paying down debt and traveling.

So far Justin and I have been dragging our feet with regards to going through our things, though. We've been busy traveling, staying involved in politics, and being social, which I can't really fault us for. I mean what would you rather do? 

But the time is now. Spring has arrived.

Argh. Anyone want to do it for us?

Do you struggle with cleaning up your home like we do? Do you have priceless keepsakes from years of collecting? Or do you have years of junk packed away, when really it just needs to go in the trash? … Do you have any spring cleaning tips for me?

* Today's post is brought to you by #30Lists. Nothing like a good kick in the butt that has me realizing I need to work on my 101 in 1001 list.

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