Favorite Picture

For the month of December, I have decided to follow along with the Reshape Your Life Blog for the 31 Days of Blogging Challenge. Obviously, as with most challenges I accept, I will not be posting for all 31 days especially since it is the Christmas season. There is a lot to do this month and not enough time to do it all! If you decide to follow along with this challenge as well, share your blog with me in the comments so I can check it out. I always love finding new blogs to follow! :)

I'm going to start with Day 3's blogging challenge: Post a favorite picture of yourself and explain why.

This picture was originally taken as a full head-to-toe shot of myself and my husband on our wedding day by our photographer. I'm incredibly particular, and I decided (with permission of course) to throw the image into photoshop and make some adjustments.

Rather than slamming the photographer and explaining all of the things I disliked about the original picture, I am going to be a bit more positive and just talk about why I like this image. :)

1. I like how skinny my arm looks. Sounds crazy, but holding your arm right up next to your body "fattens it up". I don't particularly like having fat arms. Does anybody?
2. I like the subtle pink in my cheeks and my pale skin. It's probably washed out, but I'm ok with that look.
3. I like my eyes. They look brighter than usual. Happier?
4. I like my husband.
5. I like my jewelry.
6. And I like my wisps of hair. I'm not a "perfect hair" kind of person. In fact, I'm not really a "wear hair up" kind of person either.
7. I like that my reception dress flares out more like my wedding dress was suppose to. (Grr…)
8. Finally, I like that my reception dress was more comfortable and not as heavy as my wedding dress. Plus, the getting to eat thing. (Note to future brides: eat. DO NOT do like I did where I went to bed at 2AM, got up at 6AM, and did not eat anything until after the ceremony at 3PM. You will feel awful and look like you feel in your pictures no matter how much you pay for dress, hair, and make-up.)

If I were to re-edit this picture, I'd probably brighten my irises. I have brown eyes… not black. And get rid of the tree house. It's a distraction.

I can't wait to check out others' photo choices!

Hope everyone is having a terrific Wednesday! :)

** Check out 31 Days of December Blogging prompts here!

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