It's COLD!

Finally the temperature has dropped here in Georgia... only to go back up toward the end of the week... Eh! I enjoy the cold for the hot drinks, but I'm not really getting the relaxation that one hopes for when it's cold. You know... curling up under a blanket with a good book near a fire? That sounds awesome right about now! :)

Instead I have spent the week with my future sister-in-law addressing invitations and getting all of the pieces put together. I never once realized exactly how long it would take! I keep thinking I am so close to being finished, but I still have to get my invitations printed, rubber cemented on their backing paper, and I have to weigh and stamp the envelopes! Ahh... invitations are exhausting!

... Did I mention we are still getting addresses together?!

I have been a stickler for etiquette and trying very hard to make the invitations as personal and professional as possible. I never knew there were soooo many rules!

Let me provide a few suggestions for other brides putting together their own wedding stationery:

1. Begin ASAP. I was looking for perfect inspiration, and this is why I am not finished. *shrugs* Put yourself on a strict timeline and maybe you will finish more quickly than I have.

2. It's awesome to win some stationery pieces to help you put together your suite. No you have not made every piece, but it is a heck of a lot cheaper and less time consuming than printing and doing it all yourself.

3. Have help. I could not have done any of this without help. From bouncing ideas off of Justin, having Marion's help with addressing or my mom's help with rubber cementing... It is ALL helpful!

4. Check, double check, and check again. THEN get somebody else to check. It is sooo easy to make mistakes. Just remember - if you spell someone's name wrong, you will be embarrassed. If you send something to Arlington, Georgia, you will confuse the post office and your mail will never find it's way to Virginia.

5. Read up on etiquette and then check again. You probably missed a rule. (Though this does not matter if you are not trying to follow etiquette.)

6. If you are addressing in pen, begin in pencil. It's easier to correct mistakes.

7. Finally -- QUIT ADDING ADDRESSES TO THE LIST! (You already had plenty.)

Anybody else have suggestions for stationery making?

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