Busy as a Bee (or a New Couple)

It seems that people are correct when they say that you get much busier after marriage.

Here's a flashback for the past few months:

- a short honeymoon (a day, plus a day with guests)
- car accident and the aftermath (approx. 2-3 weeks)
- looking for a rental house, moving, organizing, cleaning the apartment (approx. 2-3 weeks, still doing it really)
- family events (Easter, award ceremony, Mother's Day for two families plus a grandmother, birthday, graduation)
- being sick (2 weeks)
- editing a book (up to 10 hrs. extra work a week than what I had before the wedding)
- getting used to living with someone else (which meant grocery shopping every night and getting very little actually done the first few weeks)

Nevertheless, this has made me behind on writing thank you notes. If you have not yet received yours, never fear! I am getting to it! We are making sure to spend time writing the thank yous, because we want you to know that we appreciated what you did and how special you made our day. It has been fun hearing back from friends and family who are reminded of our wedding a few months after the fact when they get our thank you note. We have received forgotten pictures and missed comments. It is almost like celebrating our wedding months and months later!

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