2019 Resolutions

I started my list of resolutions in December before traveling to France, Germany, and Egypt. Now, two weeks later, having just returned to the states, I'm looking at my lists absolutely exhausted. While the following goals are my ideals, I want to recognize that life can get messy and I may not always complete the goals in as perfect of a way as I intend. Once a month might need to be changed to once every two months … or six months … or just getting by.

So, dear self, do your best in 2019, but don't stress out if you can't meet all of your goals exactly as written. It will be ok.

1. Finances
A. Pay off car.
B. Conquer interest charges.
C. Look at refinancing Justin's student loan.

2. Blogging
A. Start planning for April A-Z in JANUARY.
B. Start participating in Wordless Wednesday again.
• Organize images and make sure the DROBO back up is complete.
C. Re-join the travel blogging community.
• Write one travel post
• Or participate in one twitter travel chat … once a month.

3. Travel
A. Go to a new beach for July 4th.
B. Visit Justin's uncle in Boston.
C. See Billy Joel at Madison Square Gardens in NYC?

4. Health
A. Fewer calories and healthier food choices (veggies, fruits, tea).
B. More movement.

5. Home
A. Finish The Curated Closet
• Only have clothes in my closet that I wear and love.
• List more clothing on Poshmark.
• Alter clothing as needed or get rid of it.
B. And The Simple Magic of Tidying Up.
• Organize the spare bedroom so that everything has a place.
1. Exercise equipment.
2. Sewing supplies.
3. Financial Documents.
4. Empty box of books.
5. Find a place for electronics. Toss unnecessary electronics.
• Get the bedroom more organized as well.
1. Move blankets and sheets from the bedroom closet to the bathroom closet so they are easier to get to.
2. Replace decorative Euro pillow.
3. Get master duvet cleaned.
4. Replace master duvet feathers.

6. Other
A. Read. Ideally one book a month.
B. Practice German.
C. Drink wine (or tea) with friends and family. Relax.
D. Question the world. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Sometimes it's the same grass … only painted. 😳
E. Assume the best in people. Don't be quite as cynical.

What resolutions have you set for 2019?

See goals from previous years here: 2014, 2015, 2016.

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