Upon Returning From A Vacation…

Traveling brings out a mixture of emotions –

One: You are happy to have gone but sad to return. Real life can suck. It's even worse when you are traveling to see friends or family and you wonder, after leaving them, will I ever see them again? (Or maybe I'm just super pessimistic and always fear the worst?) Of course, I also wonder if I will ever visit a place again. Even the places I dislike, I still hope to someday return to and have a better experience at.

Two: Sleeping in your own bed after travel is always nice. Your pillow(s), your blanket, access to the fridge in the middle of the night… Books, movies, internet, your dog, your car, your couch, your family, your language, and customs… You might miss things about travel, but it's always nice to have the familiar upon return.

Three: Happiness in sharing your experiences with those you love. Justin and I brought back so many souvenirs to share wth our friends and family. We gave my mom fancy, expensive toiletries from our hotels. We have macadamia nuts, coffee, salt, sugar, honey, chocolate, banana bread, wine, rum, "donkey balls", banana bread, and lavender spices for eating… Plus stories and recipes.

Even though travel can be a whirlwind experience with ups, downs, and everything in between, we always find a way to continue the trip long after it ends.

Do you celebrate upon returning from vacation by sharing your discoveries with family and friends? What types of souvenirs do you bring home with you?

• Participating in #LoveBlog2017. Join in! Today's topic: celebration.

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