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This is the first Valentine's Day since Justin and I got married that I won't be babysitting someone else's kids! Hooray! … Instead we get to (possibly) meet my brother's girlfriend's parents for the first time. Ahh family!
Even if we weren't doing something as awkward as that, Justin and I wouldn't probably be doing too much for Valentine's Day anyway. With this in mind I have put together a few of my favorite date ideas supposing we were going to do something…
For the really broke:
1. Spend time outdoors
Is there a gorgeous park nearby? Maybe you live in the city…
I love spending time outdoors when it's not too hot or too cold. I'm a huge fan of meandering through the woods and just talking about whatever comes to mind.
Justin and I have been known to do a lot of random things outside though. Walking through a graveyard at night has to be one of the weirdest. ;) But we also have gone to watch planes fly in and look up at the stars at the local airport park. During the summer, sitting on the dock of a local lake and enjoy the peacefulness that is water at night is always nice… And best of all are the morning picnics watching the sunrise. It is soooooo hard to get up, but it is absolutely worth it getting to experience not only the quiet of a sleeping world but also the beautiful colors of the sunrise. There is nothing better. :)
2. Spend time indoors.
If it actually gets cold where you live, I recommend staying in and just doing whatever together. And truly cherish that "whatever time". Make a meal together. Watch a movie curled up on the couch. Or just do something in the same room as your significant other. Honestly, I'm a bit of a romantic and I like laying on my husband reading while he plays on his ipad. (He says I make a good cat.) I think the key is just enjoying spending time together no matter what you are doing. Enjoying the moment for what it is without wishing for more…
Assuming you have a little bit of money:
3. Go out to eat at a new restaurant.
I love going to the same old restaurant and ordering something normal just as much as anybody, but I recommend that you go somewhere new for a night to remember. Whether the restaurant is good or bad, you won't forget it! It doesn't even have to be expensive. Ask around for recommendations. Ask google! Or Siri! Be adventurous.
4. Check out an exhibit at a museum.
Really take it in. Don't just glance through and leave. Talk about it. Every bit of it. Isn't that bit of history cool? What do you think of this painting? Did you know -----? Take it all in.
5. Do sports.
Go ride bikes on well-known trails. Go ice skating. A lot of people seem to enjoy snow skiing.
Sports are an awesome way to get exercise, connect with those you love, and have fun.
6. Movies.
As cliché as it sounds, I love going to the movies. My husband and I go all out buying popcorn and drinks. It's like a special event and we only go once every 3 or 4 months or so. Afterwards, we talk and talk and talk about the movies analyzing every little thing. Did we think the filming was amazing? Was the story worth following? Would we recommend the movie? Forget the whole restaurant and then movie date … go to the movies and then a coffee shop to discuss the movie. It helps you get to know your significant other better and it's fun making an event out of it.
7. Go for a drive.
Yes, you can plan where to go (and might need to if you have kids), but sometimes it's fun to just drive. This is another case where it pays to be adventurous!
For the rich:
8. Travel.
Go to Paris for a weekend. *sigh* Or NYC. Or California. Why are you reading my blog again?
9. Take in a play, concert, or opera.
(I'm imaging Julia Roberts and Richard Gere here.) If you really want to impress your wife/girlfriend, rent her a super expensive piece of jewelry to wear, buy her a gorgeous dress, fly her to New York, and take her to the opera in a limo. #justsaying #hinthint :)
Or for the rest of us, just going without all of the fanfare is always an option… I suppose.
And finally, for the unmarried:
10. Propose. Or don't.
Proposing is pretty cliché on Valentine's Day. But so are flowers, chocolate, and cards. Might as well go all of the way…
What will you be doing this Valentine's Day? Is there anything creative and fun that you can think of to do that I didn't include in my list?
* I'm participating in the SITS Girls' February Writing Prompts. Are you?