German Castles and White Sausage

It's day twelve (for me) in the A-Z blog challenge! This month I'll be sharing all about my Christmas/New Year travels in NYC and Europe – providing insight into the places I went, reviewing the hotels I stayed at, and telling my story. Today's letter is O for One More Post on What We Did in Germany. (I had tried to limit our Germany adventures to one post, but that just didn't happen… There were too many pictures! So now you all get an extra day of A-Z! And a weekend post! Woot!) Feel free to follow along as I make my way through the alphabet this month! :)


In the days following the New Year, we spent some time exploring various locations in the southwest of Germany including the Kloster Schöntal, the Wertheim Castle, and the Hohenzollern Castle.

We started day two in Germany with white sausage, pretzels, and mustard for breakfast.

Yes, you heard read me correctly.


You know you are in Germany when…

Then we moved on to sightseeing…

Don't you love when you visit places and can't remember their name(s)? German readers and world travelers alike, feel free to fill me in. :) I know someone out there knows what this is!

Next up: Kloster Schöntal.

A picture inside the church. Isn't it beautiful?

Then, a Wertheim Castle shot … or five.

The rain made for deliciously color-saturated images, but I must admit I was a bit afraid of falling down the slick stairs as we climbed higher and higher up into the ruins.

On Sunday we went to the Hohenzollern Castle. We took a bus to the top of the hill (mountain?) and then went for lunch…

rustic decoration inside the restaurant

I ate spätzle (German macaroni and cheese with fried onion on top)

and Justin ate

not-spätzle. :)

Then we took a tour, in English, of the castle… 

We had to wear slippers on the tour so that we wouldn't get the castle floors dirty or scratched up. Apparently someone still lives in this castle!

After a busy weekend becoming more acquainted with Germany, it was time to move on. :)

Have you ever been to Germany? If so, what did you like about it? If not, where would you explore in Germany if you had the chance to go?


* Note: because I didn't plan any of this and it's been months since our trip, I'm relying on my iphone to give me accurate location names. If I got anything wrong, please let me know!

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